Property Rights of Foreign Nationals in Serbia

The acquisition of real estate by foreign nationals in Serbia is regulated by the Law on Property Relations and the Law on Foreigners. Foreign individuals and legal entities may purchase property on a reciprocity basis, meaning Serbian citizens must have equivalent rights in the buyer’s country. Foreign nationals can freely acquire apartments, houses, and commercial properties, while the purchase of agricultural land is generally restricted unless exceptions apply, such as investment-related projects.

Real estate transactions require compliance with legal procedures, including notarization, registration with the Real Estate Cadaster, and adherence to tax regulations. Foreign buyers often engage legal professionals to conduct due diligence, ensuring clear property titles and compliance with local laws.

For those with permanent residence or engaged in business activities, property acquisition may be facilitated under investment incentive programs. Legal protections ensure that foreign buyers enjoy ownership, leasing, and inheritance rights, providing security in real estate investments.

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