

Previous employment in the profession

  • Representation of foreign clients in the country, mostly German-speaking
  • Representation of domestic clients abroad
  • Permanent court translator for German

Membership in professional and other associations:

  • Member of the Bar Association of Vojvodina since 1999
  • Member of DAV (German Bar Association)
  • One of the founders and first secretary of MENSA Yugoslavia / Serbia

Participation in international seminars and conferences:

  • Mediation Conference Budapest, 2000
  • Organization of the visit of the delegation of the German Foundation for International Legal Cooperation (IRZ, Bonn) to the Bar Association of Vojvodina, the Association of Judges of Vojvodina and the Faculty of Law in Novi Sad, Novi Sad, 2001.
  • Multilateral Conference "Die Anwaltschaft als Motor der Rechtsstaatsentwicklung - Wunsch oder Wirklichkeit?" Dubrovnik, 2008.

Scholarships, project financing:

  • Open Society Fund, USA
  • IRZ, DAAD, Germany
  • EU funds for the improvement of the legal systems of countries in transition

Knowledge of foreign languages:

  • German (excellent)
  • English (good)
20+ years of experience


1991, Diploma of the Faculty of Law in Novi Sad

1995, Master's degree from the University of Heidelberg, Germany

1997, Bar Exam, Belgrade

2000, Certifikat o okončanom tromesečnom programu hospitacije za advokate iz istočne i srednje Evrope (nemačko pravo i advokatska praksa u Nemačkoj), Bon, Nirnberg, Nemačka

Previous employment in the profession:

1995-1996, law trainee in the offices of Diefenbacher, Schmidt, Heidelberg, Germany

1996-1997, trainee lawyer in the Law Office Šećerov, Novi Sad

1997-1998, Executive Director and Legal Consultant at BanCor Consulting Group, Novi Sad

1998-1999, associate in the Stanivuković Office

1999-present, Attorney at Law

Professional Publications:
  • „Linenz-, Know-how und Franchisevertrag – eine Analyse einzelner Aspekte“, Master's thesis, University of Heidelberg, Germany, 1994.
  •  „Abweichungen zwischen autonomen Kollisionsnormen und zugrundeliegenden staatsvertraglichen Normen: Zur These der >redaktionellen Anpassung< des EVÜ durch das EGBGB im Lichte der praktischen Erfarungen“, seminar paper, University of Heidelberg, Germany, 1994.
  • "Model Law on Notary Public", one of the three authors of the monograph published by Forum iuris, Novi Sad and CINS, Rome, Italy (in cooperation with the Institute for Comparative and Criminal Law, University of Florence, Italy, and under the auspices of the EU), Novi Sad , 2003.
  • „Eherecht in Serbien“, deo publikacije „Eherecht in Europa“ (Porodično pravo u Evropi) u izdanju Zerb Verlag, Nemačka, 2020

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